Sunday, May 10, 2015

'Headache' -- Grimm 4x21

Warning: Spoiler Alert

I'm really disappointed that it turned out that Renard was "Jack." I still felt like it was far too much of an easy fit to have him be the one that was the killer, but I suppose going that way created some drama for him without taking too much away from what was going on with Juliette (which has been the primary story arch of the season). I'd also like it if they would come out and give some reasoning for why he kept coming to near water. There's probably a very simple answer, if a bit of research was done about spirit possessions, but sometimes it's nice when they just give us the answers as canon (since the writers' reasonings for things, and the way they have things work, may be different than the folklore).

Also, his story arch seemed to finish really quickly. Yeah, he wasn't part of the primary story arch of the season, but it seemed like we got the information about what was going on with him, and then, it was wrapped up within the next ten minutes. I think that I may have liked what was going on with his story arch more if it was in one of the tie-in books, where the writer would have been able to explore what the ramifications of what was going on with him were. It still probably wouldn't have been as much as I would have liked, since the tie-in books that are out right now aren't that long, but it still would have been better than nothing.

I'm also still not buying the idea that Adalind is suddenly the one with all of the answers, when the friend of her mother's was spouted as being super powerful and knowledgeable (and Adalind has been painted as more of a pretty face, and one that is more apt to use that pretty face to get what she wants, rather than getting into the more intricate spells). But maybe the writers are wanting to play around with (and broaden) her character somewhat, and I'm ok with that (since I do enjoy wanting to shake the fuck out of her).

I was expecting a bit more of the kid in this episode, but I suppose that getting more of her would have taken away from what they were doing with the primary story of the episode, and she did fulfill the function that she had been brought in for (to make sure that Nick knew that something was going on back at the house).

As far as Kelly goes, I wish that it wasn't so clear from the beginning of her appearance that they were using a body double and dialogue from previous episodes. It probably just came down to the fact that the actress wasn't available, but as soon as the double came out of the jeep, I kept thinking "body double ... body double ... body double," and it distracted me somewhat.

So, now Kelly is dead for real, and the royals have Diana. I get the feeling that Nick is going to want some serious revenge for his mom getting killed (and especially for the "What's in the box?!" moment), and he's going to rally the gang to storm the castle. If that's done, they'd probably be able to make an attempt at getting Diana back (which I don't think will be at the forefront of Nick's mind), and maybe she'll be reunited with Adalind and raised with her brother. I wish that Kelly had lived and had raised Diana into (at least) her teenage years. I still think it would make a very interesting exploration of the character to have a hexenbiest raised by a Grimm, and a half-Grimm raised by a hexenbiest.

I'm also getting the feeling that Juliette is going to be instrumental in the death of Kenneth, and the bringing back of Diana from the royals. There were too many points in the episode where she seemed like she was regretting her involvement with Kelly's death and the reabduction of Diana (and also like she was really starting to miss Nick). I have a feeling that she's going to switch sides again, try to help the gang, Nick's not going to forgive her, and that may be part of (at least) the secondary story arch for the next season. I do hope that a tentative peace is made at some point in the near future, and Juliette can go back to being somewhat part of the gang; Adalind has her moments where she's really helpful, but I don't think that she should ever really be trusted, since her loyalties are only really to herself, and she'll sell all of them out if she thinks that it would be the best thing for her. With Juliette, you know that there's a possibility of loyalty there, since she's proven that she has it in her (and got turned into a hexenbiest for her trouble).

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